
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (* indicates student author)

44. Cooper, K., Wang, R. & Atouba, Y. (in press). Weathering the storm: Nonprofit resilience and resistance in response to the refugee “crisis”. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.

43. Donawa*, A., Powell*, C., Wang, R., Chih, M., Patel, R., Zinner, R., Aronoff-Spencer, E., & Baker, C. (in press). Designing Survey–Based Mobile Interfaces for Rural Cancer Patients Using Apple’s ResearchKit and CareKit: Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research

42. Cooper, K., Atouba, Y., & Wang, R. (in press). Are we all in this together? Examining nonprofits’ perceptions of governmental actors in the management of the U.S. refugee crisis. Nonprofit Policy Forum.

41. Fu, J. S., & Wang, R. (2024). Multiple pathways to organizational legitimacy: Information visibility, organizational listening, and cross-sector partnerships. Public Relations Review50(4), 102484.

40. Wang, R. & Hamilton*, H. (in press) Evaluating the Relationship between Nonprofit Capacities and Organizational Effectiveness During a Global Pandemic. Management Communication Quarterly.

39. Cooper, K. R., Wang, R., Harris, J. L., Miles, J., & Shumate, M. (in press) Leading Resilient, Purpose-oriented Networks through Change. Management Communication Quarterly.

38. Wang, R. & Shumate, M. (In press). The Effect of Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships on Intention to Donate and Volunteer: It’s the Why Not the What. Nonprofit Management & Leadership.

37. Du, J., Wang, R., & Jiang, C. (2023) Cultural intelligence, diversity climate and employee behavior: A study of MNE subsidiaries in China. Journal of Comparative International Management. Basu Sharma Best Paper Award.

36. Wang, R., Liu, W., Zhou, A. (2023) Mobilizing Media Attention in the Era of Networked Publics: A Contentious Publicness Framework. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 67(4).

35. Shumate, M., Dougherty, S., Miles*, J., Boyer*, A., Gibson*, Z., Wang, R., & Cooper, K. (2023). Network Effectiveness in Context. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

34. Wang R., & Shin, J. (2023) Determinants of Alliance Formation and Dissolution Among International Health Organizations: The Influence of Homophily and Institutional Power in Affinity Communication Networks. Management Communication Quarterly.

33. Wang, R., Zhou, A., & Kinneer*, T. D. (2023). Moral Framing and Issue-Based Framing of #StopAsianHate Campaigns on Twitter. China Journal of Communication.

32. Wilczewski, M., Wang, R., Du, J., Søderberg, A., Giuri, P., Mughan, T., Puffer, S., & Jacob, M. (In press). Cultural novelty and international students’ experience: A five-country study. Higher Education.

31. Zhang, W., Wang, R., & Liu, H. (2023). Moral expressions, sources, and frames: Examining COVID-19 vaccination posts by Facebook public pages. Computers in human behavior138, 107479.

30. Wang, R., Li, L., & Fulk, J. (In press). Networking the Commons: Creative Commons Project Creators’ Funding Patterns in Crowdfunding. Online Information Review.

29. Park, S. & Wang, R. (2022). Assessing the Capability of Government Information Intervention and Socio-economic Factors of Information Sharing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Country Study using Big Data Analytics. Behavioral Sciences,12(6), 190-202.

28. Wang, R. & O’Connor A. (2022). Can Corporate–Nonprofit Partnerships Buffer Socially Irresponsible Corporations From Stakeholder Backlash? Corporate Communications: an International Journal. Online First,

27. Cooper, K. & Wang, R. (In press). From Reactionary to Revelatory: CSR Reporting in Response to the Global Refugee Crisis. Business & Society.

26. Wang, R. & Chen, B. (2022). A Configurational Approach to Attracting Participation in Crowdsourcing Social Innovation: The Case of Openideo. Management Communication Quarterly. Online First.

25. Wang, R. (2022) Team Diversity and Team Success in Collaborative Crowdsourcing. Communication Studies. 73(2),

24. Wang, R. & Cooper, K. (2022) Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Social Issues: (Non)Institutionalized Practices in Response to the Global Refugee Crisis. Journal of Communication Management.

23. Wang, R. & Liu, W (2021). Different Pathways to Identify Moral Framing from Media Content. Communication Monographs, 88(3), 380-388.

22. Wang, R. & Liu, W. (2021) Moral Framing and Information Virality in Social Movements: A Case Study of #HongKongPoliceBrutality. Communication Monographs, 88(3), 350-370

21. Wang, R. & Zhou*, A. (2021). Hashtag Activism and Connective Action: A Case Study of #HongKongPoliceBrutality. Telematics and Informatics. 61,

20. Wang, R. & Lewis, N. (2021). How Do Moral Values and Crisis Response Strategies Influence Individuals’ Evaluations and Support of Sports Organizations Post-Crisis. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. 98(3),

19. Wang, R. (2022). Organizational Commitment in the Nonprofit Sector and the Underlying Impact of Stakeholders and Organizational Support. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 33, 538-549

18. Wang, R. (2021). Understanding Online Equity Funding Ecology: A Comparison of the Greater Los Angeles Area and Silicon Valley. Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology. 55, 1071-1090. 51(4),

17. Boyer*, A., Cooper, K., Dougherty, S., Wang, R., & Shumate, M. (2021). Predicting Community Adoption of Collective Impact in the United States: A National Scan. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Online First.

16. Wang, R. & Yang, A. (2020). The Structure and Evolution of the International Human Rights Network: Unpacking the Influences of Countries’ Contextual Factors and Network Configurations. International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, 46(6), 922-952

15. AbouAssi, K., Wang, R., & Huang, K. (2021). Snuggling Together or Exploring Options? A Multilevel Analysis of Nonprofit Partnership Formation and Evolution in an Unstable Institutional Context. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50(1), 143–164

14. Yang, A., Liu, W., & Wang, R. (2020). Cross-sector alliances in the global refugee crisis: An institutional theory approach. Business Ethics: A European Review. 29(3), 646-660

13. Wang, R. (2020) Marginality and Team Building in Collaborative Crowdsourcing. Online Information Review, 44(4), 827-846

12. Wang, R., Bar, F., & Hong, Y. (2020) Mapping Information Communication Technology Aid Flows from China to African Countries: A Communication Network Perspective. International Journal of Communication, 14, 1-25

11. Du, J. & Wang, R. (2019). Knowledge transfer and boundary conditions: A study of SEMs in business incubation centers in China. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(1), 31-57

10. Wang, R. (2019). Motivation, Governance, Efficacy and Contribution: A Social Practice Model of Commons-Based Peer Production. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. 20(3), 245-264

9. Wang, R. & Chu, K. H. (2019). Networked Publics and the Organizing of Collective Action on Twitter: Examining the #Freebassel campaign. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 25(3), 393-408

8. Yang, A., Wang, R., & Wang, J. (2017). Green public diplomacy and global governance: The evolution of the U.S-China climate collaboration network, 2008-2014. Public Relations Review, 43(5), 1048-1061

7. Wang, R., Liu, W., & Gao, S. (2016) Hashtag and information virality in networked social movement: Examining hashtag co-occurrence patterns. Online Information Review. 40(7), 850-866 [lead article]

6. Wang, R. & Cheliotis, G. (2016). Institutional and Entrepreneurial Engagement in Commons-Based Peer Production. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4258-4279.

5. Riley, P., Wang, R., Wang*, Y. & Feng*, L. (2016). Global warming: Chinese narrative of the future. Global Media and China, 1(1), 12-31. doi:10.1177/2059436416654770. Lead article in the Inaugural Special Issue of the Journal: Media Narratives of China’s Future

4. Wang, R., Tanjasiri, S. P., Palmer, P., & Valente, T. V. (2016). Network Structure, Multiplexity, and Evolution as Influences on Community-Based Participatory Interventions. Journal of Community Psychology. 44(6), 781–798.

3. Yang, A., & Wang, R. (2016). The value of freedom of expression and information on countries’ human rights performance: A cross-national longitudinal study. Mass Communication and Society. 19(3), 352-376.

2. Wang, R. (2015). A network perspective of social capital: Linking information and communication technology use to capability and development. Information Technologies & International Development (ITID). 11(2), 19-34. [In a study by noted ICT4D scholar Richard Heeks, ITID has been ranked as the top ICT4D specialty journal for strongest research impact.]

1. Zhang, W. & Wang, R. (2010). Interest-oriented vs. relationship-oriented social network sites in China, First Monday, 15(8), Available at doi: 10.5210/fm.v15i8.2836

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

4. O’Connor, A., Shumate, M., & Wang, R. (2019). Exploring Stakeholders’ Assessments of Organizational Identity and Identification in the Context of CSR Partnerships. Proceedings of the 5th CSR Communication Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-20 September 2019.

3. Horvat, E., Wachs, J., Wang, R., & Hannák, A. (2018). The Role of Novelty in Securing Investors for Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns. Proceedings of the sixth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP)

2. Wang, R. & Bar, F. (2015). Evaluating open development: A cross-national study. Proceedings of ICTD 2015. ACM

1. Calandro, E. & Wang, R. (2012). Predictors of mobile Internet usage in 10 African countries. Proceedings of the 19th International Telecommunication Society (ITS) Biennial Conference 2012, Moving Forward with Future Technologies: Opening a Platform for All, Bangkok, Thailand.

Other Publications

4. Wang, R. (Forthcoming). Alliances for Outcome Evaluation and Theory of Change to Generate Impact. In G. Plaisance & A. Goujon-Belghit (Eds). Non-profit Governance: Twelve Frameworks for Organizations and Research. Routledge.

3. Shumate, M., Dougherty, S., Miles, J. P., Boyer, A. M., Wang, R., Gibson, Z., & Cooper, K. (2021) Network Effectiveness in Context. Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University. IPR Working Paper Series. WP-21-35.

2. Wang, R., Cooper, K., & Shumate, M. (2020). The community system solutions framework. Winter Issue in Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter Issue.

Read the Chinese version here:

1. Wang, R. (2015). Engaging the government for environmental collective action in rural China: In search of ICT’s political implication. Chapter 4 in Networked China: Global Dynamics of Digital Media and Civic Engagement. W. Chen & S, Reese (eds). pp. 77-96, Routledge: New York.

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