Research Focus
I conceptualize my scholarship at the intersections of organizations, networks and social impact. I am particularly interested in understanding how to leverage the relationship dynamics among civil actors, corporations, government agencies, and individual citizens to help solve large wicked social issues (such as climate change, social inequality, human rights violations, refugee crises, and health disparities).
My research is deeply interdisciplinary, and focuses on multi-level organizational phenomenon. I pursue my research inquiries through quantitative research methods, including data mining, network modeling, structural equation modeling, and other inferential statistics. Though primarily a quantitative scholar, I have also used mixed methods such as interviews and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in my research.
Social issues are complex, which require strategic communication and collaboration among organizational actors. My research seeks to contribute to the understanding of these collaborative networks through the following themes: 1). Uncovering the antecedents of network formation including endogenous and exogenous factors; and 2). Evaluating collaboration outcomes at different levels.
Figure 1. Research Framework

Figure 1 provides an overview of my research, which is multi-level. Quadrants 1 and 2 are focused on the macro level of inter-organizational collaboration (evidenced by my work on organizations and nation states), and quadrants 3 and 4 are at the micro level of individual players (evidenced by my work on social movements and online communities).